This is the oldest log chapel in the Copper River Basin -Chapel on the Hill. Vincent J. Joy and his family came to Copper Center in May of 1937. This was the first contact with the gospel message that this area had - Athabascan natives, white settlers and lonely GI's. Grandma Tansy remembers the first men that were saved...she said they were really nasty characters - and that it was so evident that their lives were changed dramatically. Praise the Lord! It was the testimony of these men that had such a huge contact on this area. What amazes me is that my friends lives and the lives of their children and grandchildren were impacted for eternity because of this family and their committment to endure the harsh frontier. Besides preaching the gospel...he found himself serving as a medic, mortician, mechanic, musician and army chaplin. The Joys' founded the mission of SEND International of Alaska.